Adding Prompts and Saving Schemas

In, users can enhance their schemas by adding prompts and saving their work. Follow these instructions to effectively manage your schema creation process.

Adding Prompts

To add a prompt to your schema:

  1. Locate the Up Arrow Button:

    • Click the Up Arrow button located at the bottom left of the schema editor. This button allows you to add prompts that can guide or specify how the data should be structured.

  2. Configure the Prompt:

    • After clicking the button, you’ll be prompted to enter the details for the new prompt.

    • Provide a meaningful description or instruction that will help define the expected structure or format of the data.

Selecting a Root Node

To save your schema, you must select a root node:

  1. Select a Root Node:

    • Choose a node from your schema to act as the root node. The root node serves as the starting point or primary node from which the rest of the schema branches out.

    • This selection ensures that your schema is properly structured and can be processed or saved effectively.

  2. Save the Schema:

    • Once the root node is selected, you can save your schema by confirming the selection and clicking the Save button.

    • The schema will be stored with the selected root node, allowing for further modifications or usage in your project.

Adding Prompts for Data Structuring

  1. Define Data Structuring Prompts:

    • You can add specific prompts that guide how the data should be structured, formatted, or validated.

    • These prompts can help in creating consistent and well-defined data structures, ensuring that the data adheres to the required format.

  2. Integrate Prompts into Schema:

    • Integrate the data structuring prompts into your schema by linking them to relevant nodes or fields.

    • This ensures that the prompts are associated with the appropriate parts of the schema and will be utilized during data processing.

Example Workflow

  1. Add a Prompt:

    • Click the Add Prompt button.

    • Enter a prompt like "Ensure all email addresses are valid and formatted correctly."

  2. Select a Root Node:

    • Choose the root node for your schema, such as UserProfile.

  3. Save Your Schema:

    • Confirm your root node selection and click Save to store your schema.

By following these steps, you can effectively add prompts, select root nodes, and save schemas in, ensuring that your data is well-structured and organized.

Last updated