Data Node

The Data Node in is a crucial component of the schema editor, allowing users to define and manage various data types within their schemas.


  • Add Item Button: Users can add new data types to the Data Node using the Add Item button. This feature enables dynamic updates to the data structure by introducing new elements as needed.

  • Supported Data Types:

    • String: Represents text data.

    • Number: Represents numerical values (both integers and floating-point numbers).

    • Integer: Represents whole numbers without decimal points.

    • Object: Represents a complex data structure that can include multiple fields and nested objects.

    • List: Represents a collection of items, which can be of any data type, including other nodes.

Detailed Usage

  1. Adding Data Types:

    • Click on the Add Item button within the Data Node.

    • Select the desired data type from the available options: String, Number, Integer, Object, List.

    • Provide a name for the data type to identify it within the schema.

  2. Connecting Nodes:

    • For Object and List data types, users can connect other nodes to define the structure and relationships within these data types.

    • Object: Allows the inclusion of nested fields and complex structures.

    • List: Allows the inclusion of a list of items, which can be other data types or nodes.


Hereโ€™s an example of how to use the Data Node:

  1. Define a Schema:

    • Add Item: Click the button and choose Object to create a new object type.

    • Add Fields: Within the object, you might add fields like firstName (String), age (Integer), and contacts (List).

  2. Connect Nodes:

    • For the contacts field (List), you can connect it to other data nodes, such as a ContactInfo object that includes fields for phoneNumber and email.

This setup allows for the creation of detailed and structured schemas, providing flexibility in how data is organized and accessed.

Last updated