🤩Get Your First Structured Data...!

Great...! How You have Installed our package. Lets Structure your first data....!

1. Create Your Node Schema:

By navigating to Beta you create create your own JSON schema with simple node based UI. First Lets create a simple inventory JSON schema in the dashboard.

You can also refer the Below Section for creating and using the Node UI Schema Builder to build custom schemas.

🛠️Node Schema Editor

Info: This Node dashboard is only available for beta users. please apply for beta user in the home page Home

2) Setup Your Code:

Thats a awesome work...! Now on you can press the open Playground to get your sample code. Then copy the code and paste it in your Code editor.

3) Run the code.

Good...! Next step is to run the code...!

Kudos Now you have completed your first implementation of temprl.pro...! Check further for more details.

Last updated